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3 Underlying Tips To Optimize Sleep According To The Expert

There is no secret or lie that quality sleep is linked to improved health and increased longevity, but unfortunately, this doesn't help us to sleep any better. Also, we are unaware of getting more proper sleep than ever. According to recent research finding a maximum of eight per cent of adults worldwide - the equivalent of 41.6 million people - suffer from chronic insomnia. Experts agree that proper sleep with a balanced lifestyle keeps you calm, cool, and stress-free.

I am going to lay out these essential tips for quality sleep according to the experts:

#1 Light

According to the New York Times, few people know that light is the powerful commander of the circadian rhythm. Have you ever noticed that we sleep better in the light than dark? if yes, then you should know that morning sunlight helps to optimize sleep at night. So, make a plan to take a brisk walk, a short ride, or take the next Zoom call while sitting in the morning first ray.

The circadian rhythm is also known as the sleep-wake cycle. "To ensure you fall asleep quickly and remain asleep throughout the night, try to soak in sunlight in the morning within 30 and 60 minutes of waking. Sunlight is the best for optimizing sleep, but if it's dark when you wake up, try spending 15 minutes in front of a SAD lamp to recreate the effects of the sun.

You can reduce your exposure to light around two hours before bed to smooth the transition to restful sleep - that means dimming or using lamps and limiting blue light exposure by cutting down on screen time.

#2 Diet

The simple diet tweaks, it isn't just what we eat that impacts our sleep, it's when we eat it. Try to eat breakfast within an hour of waking – those who don't sleep well shouldn't attempt to fast intermittently as it throws the circadian rhythm off. You should finish eating two to three hours before bed to allow you to digest the food, and incorporate protein and healthy fat into each meal. If you eat late closer to bedtime, eat a carbohydrate-rich meal to support melatonin production – protein is heavy on your digestive system, so try to avoid it. She also recommends antioxidant-rich herbal teas (think lemon balm, valerian and chamomile), to calm body and mind.

#3 Exercise

Exercise has been indicated to have a similar effect on sleep to sleeping pills. When we exercise, the body increases its production of a compound called adenosine triphosphate (or ATP). As it increases, it inhibits neural activity and causes drowsiness. High and moderate-intensity exercise has been shown to improve slow-wave sleep or deep sleep when the body goes into repair and restore mode), and is best taken in the morning, before midday, and not later than two hours before bed.


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