7 Hidden Gems To Transform Life: Follow These Tips Today
Have you ever noticed that having more energy throughout the day is one of the most luxurious feelings throughout the day?
The speedy pace of life we lead in which we make mistakes because of improper health care increases our emotional stress. Well, there is no magic wand to improve your wellness quickly but sometimes small changes can make a huge difference in our well-being. It will take a few basic ingredients like attention and willpower. Here are small changes that will help you to have more energy thought-out the day.

"A little by little make a lot of difference"
- Tanzanian Prove
#1 Get up before snoozing the button
It's not about joining the 5 a.m. club. It's simply not getting up in a hurry because it is stressful. "Getting up when the world sleeps, grabbing a coffee, swaying in your favourite playlist, and taking out exclusively for yourself. This is a good way to start the day energetically. Not doing that old trick of hitting the snooze button to get an extra few minutes to sleep. Problem? Our body induces cortisol spikes when waking up from a fuzzy sleep that confuses the body.
#2 Create a list of bad habits
The world has talked a lot about the emotional benefits of writing down what eats up your mind, hovering negative thoughts over the head, and making gratitude lists. As a negative habit, I write down that I slept less than 7 hours and as an alternative, scrolling through Instagram and leave some pending work with the computer for the following day, putting aside the habit of wanting to go to bed with everything finished, which made me wake up at the crack of dawn. This list of your bad habits makes it possible to recreate new habits that will energize your feelings gradually.

#3 Don't overindulge in salads
Yes, they are healthy but they cannot become the quick and recurrent resource of our daily lives because eating overeat raw vegetables may be difficult to digest. Also, they can leave the body cold and unsatisfied, especially in winter when we need to take healthy but solid. So, I set out to try to replace them with cooked vegetables and more homemade broths, purees and spoon stews. And before I knew it, little by little, I had achieved my goal.
#4 Take out 20 minutes for a walk
Take out 20 minutes outdoors during the workday and why do we forget that we should take frequent breaks from our work? If you dread doing something, set 20 minutes and go to a quiet place or somewhere else and come back to resume your work. Better than putting off your urgent work, take your time to recharge yourself anyway. It helps restore vitality.
#5 Set up a social networking schedule
Here, I am not talking about doing a digital detox which is of course bad for health, but simply setting up a social media schedule effectively. How? The biggest treat is watching series, reading a book or writing, and creating content without using phones in between. Put simply, disconnect yourself from the network once the time of day and dedicate yourself to your work that truly matters. Not in vain, the permanent connection with the screen causes mental exhaustion and a lack of energy. It has been proven. Screens affect your eyes and drain your energy easily and quickly.
#6 The 8 o'clock p.m.rule
We need to take sleep early. Preparing our body to rest is vital because energy during the day will depend on good sleep and that implies. Working a gradual relaxation from 8 pm to help our body gradually feel that state of relaxation. That's why it's important to slow down the pace, try to have a relaxed chat, prepare a sleep routine, a dinner etc.
#7 Eat a live frog rule

First thing in the morning" is a great way to get done the most arduous tasks. 9 to 11 are the productive hours when most people finish their tasks effectively. When you have done one major to-do the highest priority then it becomes easy to whole day stretching out ahead of time. You can put it off until you get your coffee, check your mail, or go to that meeting. But just like breakfast is an important meal of the day, the first thing you can accomplish at work that makes a flow of the day.
Twain famously said,
"If the first thing you do in the morning is eat a live frog, so you can go through the rest of the day knowing the worst is behind you."
Wind Up: Grow 1% every day. It assists you to achieve big goals that can be achieved through taking small steps every single day.