8 Stunning Ways To Reconnect The World
Deep down, our real world has constantly become an artificial world which is dominated by automation – AI tools, robots, and other automation will be experienced in the future. Now, these days, the world has suddenly become plant conscious. Legendary broadcaster Sir David Attenborough says -

There has been a revolution worldwide in attitude towards the natural world in my lifetime.
An awareness of how important the natural world is to us all. But, it is not necessary to live in the natural world to feel closer to it. To take care of it. To save it.
Here are 10 ways to be more connected with our green planet in our day-to-day lives:
1. Walk into green space
Taking a walk is making us fit physically and mentally. Doing so in a green space also has a positive effect on mental health. The research indicated that those with the least facilities to parks and forests had a 55% greater chance of developing depression, anxiety, and being surrounded by negative thoughts. But, when we making the most of green spaces brings larger benefits. It makes our minds fresh, and optimistic and allows us to maintain creativity. The "psychological restoration" that they offer is found to be greater for those who spend more time there.
Houseplants, on the other hand, are shown to help improve moods, reduce stress, and even lower fatigue and headaches
2. Indoor Potting Plants
We all should do it, many do too. For some people that may not be easy because it is just about potting plants, starting from sowing a seed to flourishing the plant. The survey found that 2.8 million people were not within easy walking distance of green space. So, why not bring the greenery – and all its benefits – indoors?
Why we are waiting for access near our home? Houseplants are shown to help improve moods, reduce stress, and even lower fatigue and headaches by 20-25 per cent. Additionally, it fosters productivity, focus, and creativity.
They can also be used to help lift indoor environments. Potting plant gives off oxygen at night, while damp areas such as bathrooms will benefit from peace lilies and Boston ferns that reduce mould spores (mould is fungi that produce microscopic cells called spores). Tending to herb gardens can help to reduce stress and improve general mental health.
3. Create Indoor Herbs Garden

Indoor greenery can be used to add to dinners – provided it is from an indoor herb garden, that is. It is also an engaging learning experience for children, by providing them with 9 practical ways to learn about plants. If pizza is a household favourite, then a pizza herb garden of basil, parsley and oregano fits the bill. Basil in particular is one of the easiest herbs to grow indoors and smells great, too. Herbs love sunlight, fresh air, temperatures that average around 21 Celsius or higher, and water when the soil gets dry. Most herbs need 6 hours of direct sunlight.
As with houseplants, tending to herb gardens can help to reduce stress and improve general mental health. And let’s not forget the advantage of always having fresh herbs available – a tasty way to connect with the green world, every day.
4. Experiment with Plant-based Recipes
Climate change is a major threat to our green planet and globally. A lot of vegetables could change all that. Rewilding of farmland would mean that one hundred billion tons of carbon dioxide could be removed from the air by the end of the century. So, if we plant herbs indoors, we can freshly get plant-based recipes which are good for our plants and health too. Using colourful vegetables could change all that.
5. Growing Your Own
If the space is available, it is not possible to get closer to the edible green world by "growing your own"
What most people do at their spaces whetherinr or outdoor. Everyone wants fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. If there are not any outdoor areas accessible. What could be better than having fresh veg within easy reach. Flowers can be admired in green spaces, or bought to brighten up home interiors, too. and good forindoorsoutdoors?d mood andelevatinge positive energy around us.
6. Wonder of local flowers
Flowers can be admired in green spaces, or bought to brighten up home interiors, too. and good for elevated mood and create positive energy around us. Those grown in the vicinity creatingelevatingcreatingwill last longer and are always what is in reason, which is a great way to learn what is grown locally and when. It also keeps down thosall-importantnt carbon footprints. That's a lot of air miles and a lot of carbon added to the atmospher, when there is beauty right on your doorstep.
7. Beauty of native flower species

Surprisinglyy, growing native flower species havea better chance of survival because they have adapted to the environments where they naturally grow. One of the bestqualitiesy of the native flower species,handlese the cold winter and hot summer oftheiri native regions' climate. Of course, anyone with a garden can grow their flowers and canhave unique advantages. They produce more flowers after cutting and there are plenty of simple gardening guides available online.
Native species prevent from regional animals and insects including one of the greatpollinatorss such as bees, honeybees visit only one type of flower at a time. Also, iprovidesde shelter from many mammals.
In short, it has essential sources anpreventsnm wildlife.
And if all this sounds like hard work, there is the option to just sit back and let the grass grow wild instead. When wildflowers grow, it’s good for the bees – and provides a refuge for other insects, too.
8. How Green is the Bathroom?
And once all the walking, foraging, potting, and gardening is out of the way, a good shower or bath is probably called for before the cooking begins. And what better way to get closer to nature than by scrubbing or soaking in it, with some plant-based toiletries?
There’s a shower gel made from grapefruit seed extract, a bubble bath from mango butter and coconut oil – even pomegranate toothpaste and biodegradable bamboo toothbrushes!
Go, Green!
In conclusion,
from clearing heads during walks in a green space to plant-based personal hygiene, these are just 10 ways to become more connected with our green planet. Of course, the list doesn’t end there. Engaging with the green world, wherever it can be found, forges a greater awareness and understanding of its importance – and how precious it is. “The world depends on plants,” Sir David Attenborough reminds us. “Every breath of air we take, and every mouthful of food we eat, depends upon plants.