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Astonishing Ways That Lead To Smart Work-life Balance

Nobody wants to talk about the role of personal development which is prime to understand.

Personal development is not something they teach in business school. Focus on teams — how teams interact, how they execute and how they hold each other accountable. But teamwork is an expression of individuals coming together. It is quite important for business teams and leaders. Sometimes the juggling between business and personal life is unspoken. We see this in our common colloquialisms: work/life balance — Don’t take work home with you. Don’t drag your personal life into your office.

The fact we all know but do not realize that we are supposed to live dual lives. One at home and one at work. We must think of ourselves as whole beings and incorporate our full selves into our work. This includes our growth.

Here I am highlighting four striking ways in which personal development can support professional development, I am highlighting below:

Augmented Compassion

The human experience varies in many ways, but it’s universal as well. When we learn about ourselves, we also learn about our leaders, our employees and our customers. Our growing compassion invariably helps us serve those we interact with in business much better, therefore serving our business outcomes, values, culture and, ultimately, our bottom line.

Reduced Reactivity

Becoming reactive is normal if you are building or creating something. Developing yourself personally helps you to become more aware of observing thoughts and habits.

For instance, you start to notice that you react every time your boss sends you an email. Or you react when your co-worker doesn’t respond to you promptly.

What helps to greater clarity?

Whether you get into the job or move up the corporate ladder or you are not sure where your next move is. We are all extremely conditioned by our parents, peers, and society to strive for certain types of success and accomplishment and to hold certain values.

Why Personal Development?

This truly helps you to become clear about what is important to us and this can inform how we conduct business interpersonally, how we decide on business goals and priorities and how we move forward as an organization and culture.

Where personal leadership leads to?

You are not just an employee — you are parents, spouses, partners, neighbours, and great community members. It is your choice to be a leader. This includes the skills of planning, getting organized, teamwork, inclusive communication, transparency and the courage to take a leap of faith to change the situation when necessary.

The core abilities of leadership are to compromise, healthily resolve conflict and foster an environment of trust and support.

What’s the catch?

“I've learned that you can't have everything and do everything at the same time” – Oprah Winfrey

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