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No more Excuses: Bite-Sized Exercises Can Carve Your Skinny Body

I aim to lose 10 pounds this month at any rate, I started going to the gym every day, but now, I don't take out time for it, I can't wake up in the morning, and the long list of excuses never ends.

If you have excuses, I have a reason not to make them.

In the spirit of adapt or die, the workout is becoming the top priority for all types of people. While workout videos and virtual exercise sessions make getting on the mat as easy as possible while you are at home, it can be eke out an hour to do it. Even though it may seem you have more time, chores, work from home schedule or child care can take up a more considerable part of it than you think.

It can be a barrier and might leave you skipping any movement at all. Five-minute workouts pack a punch and challenge your body without taking up too much of your time.

I am mentioning some bite-sized workout routines you can't make an excuse about not having enough time to keep yourself fit and healthier. Here's why?

Research shows that exercising for short bouts throughout the day can have a positive effect on your BMI, and can help you keep chronic diseases at bay too. The main part of this concept of doing a quick workout is to make sure you have no excuses. Many are supposed to take five minutes are not enough, but based on statists and research, a five-minute workout can benefit you just as much as a proper workout by getting the heart pumping and body moving in an entire day.

How many calories can you burn in these five minutes?

According to the research, it depends on what type of exercise are you doing. You can burn up to 20 calories per minute with a high-intensity interval workout. The certain benefit is not the calories you burn, but what result you see after working out. These quick workouts work can improve your metabolism if you've done them regularly.

Tabata and HIIT, the hard work you do in a shorter period has been known to show more improvement in the body than one hour straight running. This also boosts your immune system for your mind, as short, regular bouts of exercise mean that your body releases endorphins throughout the day.

Choose one or two upper body, a couple of lower body exercises, cardio and exercise that target your core. One thing you need to focus on is intensity. You can either go all out for five minutes or do an interval mode routine like Tabata, which has 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. Depending on the number of how exercises you choose, you can repeat the circuit that many times. keep it as simple as you can.

One. The arms and core combination

Start 5 pus[h-ups, followed by five squats, five sit-ups and five half burpees. Repeat this set as many times as your fitness allows to do this. It covers your arms, core, and legs.

Two. The lower-body combination

Do 30 seconds each of shoulder taps, squats jump, cycle kicks, and downward dog to upward dog and walking lunges. After every 30 seconds, do mountain climbers for 30 seconds. A combination of these exercise improves your stamina and mountain climbers target most of your body's muscles and get your heart pumping.

Three. The core focus combination

Start with 10 push-ups, followed by 10 seconds of high-knees, 10 in-and-out squats, and 10 seconds of jumping jacks. This exercise will stretch your spine, strengthen your core and improve joint mobility.

Four. Full body circuit

Start from legs-up crunches, then knee tucks, go into a plank, then full sit-ups and finish with a hollow hold. Do each exercise for 30 seconds and focus on completing two rounds within five minutes. The full-body muscles building combination.

What else is left?

Image credit POPSUGAR on Google

"Burpees are one of the best full-body exercises that can get your heart racing and improve your oxygen levels. Combine it with push-ups and squats and you have your short full-body routine with legs and arms worked on too. Do seven at least seven push-ups, five burpees, seven squats and end with five burpees. Doing these exercises constantly within five minutes can transform your body. Again, it will amaze you once you do this without making any excuses.

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