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Exploring The Truth About Artificial Intelligence: Guide Of Smart Machines

If I ask about artificial intelligence, what does it mean to you?

Almost more than half of the world has been using artificial intelligence since it was created, If you believe the movies, AI is something theoretical and futuristic. It is a riot robot or a piece of malign code intent on world domination.

Stephan Hawkins warning about the AI, the net becoming the command centre for terrorists. More must be done by internet companies to counter the threat, but the difficulty is to do this without sacrificing freedom and privacy. He says all kind of communication technologies is looking forward to being able to write many masters with his new system.

Eventually, Prof. Stephan Hawkins warns that the development of Artificial Intelligence could end human existence.

Image source aiclarke on Google

The truth is, artificial intelligence surrounds us already – it just doesn’t act in the way we expect.

Fears of this kind of technology arise in everyone. Technology shifted our perception of living. It dramatically changed our lives that nobody had ever imagined.

Machines can solve problems but, it’s never been trained as much as humans.

How does Artificial Intelligence operate in the real world?

It operates in the financial markets ( a large amount of data to combine), and search engines and is watching you at almost all times, from your internet browsing history to your behaviour on CCTV.

You probably made a decision today that involved some sort of interaction with an intelligence machine.

Artificial Intelligence won’t be apocalyptic, but that doesn’t mean its changes won’t be far-reaching. They will raise new ethical questions, expose some of our flawed laws and potentially change our relationships with one another.

AI is going to get smarter and faster. But the biggest myth about AI is that it’ll diminish our intelligence.

We’re building a new form of intelligence, utterly unlike our own – and we need to understand what that will mean for us.


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