How is Artificial Intelligence shaping the world?
We stand on the edge of a crucial moment in the history of our species - a time when the creation of our inventiveness has the potential to change everything. It could be a downfall. We are ending the edge of artificial intelligence.
The next big thing that shapes a future and becomes a game changer in many industries. Here, I am talking about Artificial Intelligence. It is also considered a narrow intelligence system that can only perform specific tasks in industries like healthcare etcetera. AGI on the other hand is created to perform any intellectual task that humans can do. It is the next biggest step in the evolution of AI. It has the power to give a better shape to the world.
Today, AI is being used in hundreds of different industries, while AI is still some way from the sentient machine portrayed in science fiction, the creation of algorithms that can learn, comprehend language and imitate some aspects of the human mind has led to huge advances.
The machine we use generally is found getting smarter. It sublimes the works, quickly and effectively that is what people are looking for. Meaning that AI is no longer a futuristic technology but it is increasingly integrated into every realm of our lives. It works like a human but the difference is, AI is ingenious to make things easier and less frustrating.
In reality, AI is touching our lives for more than many of us realize. Many of us are even getting afraid of fire from the industries we work in by human capabilities.
How Artificial Intelligence Plays a Role in different industries:
Banks are using it to defect funds and predict changes in the stock markets
It is helping police forces to identify suspects from grainy CCTV images.
In the courtrooms, it is offering advice to judges about whether to grant bail conditions to criminal suspects.
Machines with the capability to identify images are helping doctors spot diseases.
Algorithms that use machine learning - one of the leading branches of AI are helping self-driving cars to navigate our complex roads
They are helping linguists to decipher lost languages.
It is helping firms make decisions about hiring and firing.
In a nutshell, there are also deep ethical questions about how and when AI should be used. AI shaping the world or making the future smarter. It is not about taking the place of human jobs but to emerge the work that humans can do.
Are things now able to do things humans can only dream of? What is AI truly capable of doing? How does cost helps us solve our problems?