How to Stay Calm: 3 Breathing Exercises for Instant Stress Relief
Whether due to pent-up aggression from being cooped up at home or just a symptom of the weather, calm down a heated body and mind with these routines:
Breathing is an essential, but often overlooked, function of our bodies. It connects our minds to our bodies and plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. We are often not fully aware of the power of our breath - it has the ability to calm us down or increase our energy levels as needed. Additionally, specific breathing exercises, known as pranayamas, can help calm both the body and the mind.
Inhale & Exhale
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One effective breathing exercise is the nose to mouth breathing. To practice this, sit comfortably with a straight spine, close your eyes, and take deep breaths to centre your mind. Inhale slowly through your nose, hold your breath for a second or two, and then exhale through your mouth. This technique is useful for calming down in tense or aggressive situations.
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Another breathing exercise is Sitkari. This involves sitting with a straight spine, opening your mouth, clenching your teeth, and inhaling with a hissing sound through the gap between your teeth. This breath acts as a natural coolant for the body and should not be practised in cold weather.
Ujjayi Breath
Image source Chopra
The Ujjayi breath, also known as the victorious breath, is another beneficial practice. Sit with a straight spine, close your mouth, and inhale while slightly constricting the muscles in the base of your throat. This breath can help calm the mind, and detoxify the body, and is often compared to the sound of ocean waves or Darth Vader's breathing.
Repeating each of these breathing exercises at least 10-15 times can yield the best results, helping you to achieve a sense of calm and well-being..