Humans Must Avoid These Mistakes To Save Planet
Did you know how much plastic in your clothes is polluting the oceans with every wash? Up to 80% per cent of the oxygen we breathe comes from marine life. hat our oceans could perish if we continue our behaviour same with the planet.
Humans have a critical role in keeping the whole environmental system up and running. If we kill the environment, it's very hard for us to exist on our beautiful planet. Most people are aware that single-use plastic is a huge problem, but many don't consider other pollutants. For example, plastic microfibers are released into the environment with every wash.

Why do we need to take quick action now?
We can't be the ones causing the extinction of all these species. This is about our survival. I think people need to understand that it's not only about tomorrow, it is about today. It is not a sci-fi scenario anymore.
Plastic is a visible threat that makes numerous impacts on life and the planet but we don't realize it. It is a sign of the toxic age we are living in. We want to prove that we could create a huge wave around plastic and make everyone understand this material has to go. We have to stop using the oceans and nature for the sake of human benefit.

I think the major challenges of the fashion industry are materials and packing. What the fashion industry has to do is find replacements for all these waste materials. I think that is the biggest opportunity for the fashion industry to make a difference when the fashion industry uses new materials. Let's call them future materials. They will have an impact on every other industry because people look towards improving the environment lead to saving the planet
One first and foremost step could be to avoid single-use plastic.
The second primary step could be to give up eating more red meat and seafood.
The last but not the least step could be reducing your carbon footprint. Take a ride on a bicycle rather than a car.
You don't need to be one hundred per cent sustainable if a one-signal action is multiplied by a billion or by five or seven billion people on the planet.
On why we need to move beyond sustainability
“I think it’s about eco-innovation; being a futurist and shaping this planet. We have to start a new economy that is based on new technologies, new materials. That is exciting; that is challenging.”
It is about eco-innovation; as we are up and striving to reshape the planet. We have to start a new economy that is based on new technologies and materials, exciting and challenging.