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If You Don't Believe What You Sell, Who Will Buy It?

You’ve heard the age-old business mantra, “The customer is always right.” Yeah, yeah, we get it.

But what if I told you there’s a crucial piece of the puzzle you’re missing? What if I told you that while keeping your customers front and center is essential, it’s equally vital to love and believe in what you’re selling?

Sounds too simple to be true, right?


People who have a big dream to start a small business by implementing your one astounding idea but it is easier said than done. Implementing, creating, and offering is not an overnight process, and become successful the next day. They give extra hours to their business to stand out in the crowd and build 7 figures for the business. Hard work. Patience. Persistence is the secret sauce to success.

Let’s be brutally honest for a moment: The world is chock-full of entrepreneurs and freelancers who wake up every day and slog through their tasks, selling products and services they barely care about.

It’s a grim reality, but it’s also a reality you can sidestep. As an entrepreneur, we have an enviable power: the power to create, innovate, and make our mark on the world.

So, why not use this power to its fullest potential?

Why not create something you’re deeply passionate about?

Why not sell something you believe in so much you’d buy it yourself?

Why not make your professional life a living, breathing testament to the things you love?

When you love what you’re selling, it shows. It spills out of you like a wellspring. It seeps into your marketing campaigns, your sales pitches, and your customer interactions.

Customers will see this passion, this fire, and they’ll be drawn to it. It’s a magnet, pulling them in and captivating them.

Ever seen a street performer so passionate, so engrossed in their performance, that they draw a crowd?

That is you.

That's what you love to sell to the customers. You don't have to stop them, let them stop for your product.

Let’s talk about why you should love what you sell, how you can cultivate this love, and how doing so can change your business, your life, and maybe even the world.

Sell Is About Attention

Every day, millions of people worldwide wake up and grind away at their jobs, many of which they have no passion for. It’s a brutal truth and one we all know well.

Your line of work allows you the freedom to create, innovate, and, most importantly, chase after what you love.

So why not harness this?

Here’s the thing: If you love what you’re selling, that passion is going to spill over.

It’ll seep into your marketing campaigns, your sales pitches, and your customer interactions. It’s infectious, and your customers will notice.

They’ll be drawn to your brand, captivated by your enthusiasm, and before you know it, they’ll be swept up in your passion too.

Ever noticed how some people can make even the most mundane things sound fascinating?

That’s because they’re passionate about what they’re talking about.

That’s the power of passion, and it’s a power you can and should wield.

Sell What Ignite You

Now you might be thinking, “Sounds great, but how do I cultivate a passion?

Here’s how.

First off, start with self-discovery.

  • What do you love?

  • What drives you?

  • What’s that one thing you could talk about for hours on end without getting bored?

Self-awareness is the answer to all your vital questions about you.

Now, how can you intertwine this with your product or service?

By aligning your business with your interests and passions, you’re setting yourself up for success right out of the gate.

Secondly, pour your heart into your product or service. This goes beyond just knowing your offerings like the back of your hand.

It’s about immersing yourself in them, loving them, and always striving to make them better. Remember, your offerings are a reflection of you.

Lastly, believe in your product or service. I mean, I believe in it.

If you don’t think your offering is the best thing since sliced bread, why should your customers?

Confidence in your product or service isn’t just beneficial; it’s a necessity.

Final Thought

As entrepreneurs and freelancers, we’re often told that our primary focus should be the customer.

You often heard that an entrepreneur's primary focus should be the customer.

While there’s no disputing that the customer is crucial, it’s equally important that we develop a passion for what we’re selling.

That we love it, believe in it, and are excited to share it with the world because at the end of the day, if you don’t want to sell it, people don’t want to buy it.

And it’s not just about loving what you do but how you channel that love into growth.

Well, let’s dive into that in the solution.

I’ll let you in on a little secret, a transformative revelation that flipped my freelance business on its head: a few minor tweaks to our proposal led to such an astounding shift that if you had told me about it earlier, I wouldn’t have believed you.

By adjusting a few components of my proposal, I managed to build multiple 7-figure marketing agencies with an outstanding team.

We’ve sold nearly 10 million worth of our services and attracted high-profile clients worldwide.


It’s all thanks to the power of the proposal.

I’ve been where many of you are, following conventional wisdom to bid more on freelance platforms and post more on social media, but those left me drained and stuck in the rat race for low-profit clients.

What's the catch?

Great salespeople are relationship builders who provide value and help their customers win

-Jeffrey Gitomer

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