If You Struggle With Late-Night Snacking: Here Are Some Tips To Help You Avoid It
We all know the feeling - it's late at night when you scrolling through Instagram or studying late at night, and suddenly your stomach starts grumbling. The temptation to grab a quick snack is real, but we have all heard the rumours that midnight snacking is a one-way ticket to damaging your health goals and exercise gains. But what does eating late at night do to your body?

Image source Abdullah Ahmad on Unsplash
The truth is, snacking past midnight can wreak havoc on your energy levels and even impact the ageing process. "You see, the stress hormone cortisol is at its lowest during nighttime, while the body's circadian rhythm is governed by melatonin. Eating at night can increase cortisol levels, leaving you feeling wired and unable to sleep.
But that's not all - eating late at night can also lead to insulin resistance, decreased metabolism, and weight gain. A study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that nighttime eaters consume 12% more calories than those who finish their meals earlier. Plus, it can cause acid reflux and heartburn, making for an unpleasant next day.
So, what can you do instead? The key is to eat a satiating dinner about 2.5 hours before bedtime, says Pasricha. And if you must snack, opt for nourishing and balanced options like watermelon feta salad or roasted veggies with homemade dips. Foods high in tryptophan, like nuts and cottage cheese, can stimulate the production of serotonin and melatonin, while magnesium-rich foods like avocados and bananas can act as muscle relaxants.
But beware of unhealthy snacks like energy drinks, chips, and refined flour products, which can cause indigestion and keep you awake longer than necessary. Instead, try making a warm glass of moon milk with a spice of your choice, like ashwagandha or turmeric.
And remember, getting enough sleep in the first place is crucial for regulating hunger hormones and making healthier choices overall. So, resist the temptation to raid the pantry late at night, and instead opt for nourishing options that will leave you feeling refreshed and energized in the morning.