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3 HardCore Exercises: You Should Engage With These Power-Packed Workout

Embark on the invigorating fitness journey where every step synchronises with Beyonce's beats pulsating rhythm. Physique 57, Mumbai, is an international fitness company that infuses excitement into your workouts, embracing tools like ballet barres, balls, and weights to elevate your exercise experience.

Its dedicated instructors are not just guides but, passionate motivators who are committed to unlocking your highest potential.

As part of the international fitness powerhouses, Physique 57T boasts a clientele that includes the likes of Reese Witherspoon, Demi Moore, and Chrissy Telgan, a testament to the transformative power of our approach. When you leave the class, you won't just feel stronger and fitter; you will exude a newfound confidence and vitality, eager for the next exhilarating session.

So, get ready for a workout that is all about balance, strength training, and feeling pumped. According to Physique 57 where barre-bassed techniques combine cardio, strength training, and stretching, make sure every inch of your body gets the attention it deserves.

You do a workout to sculpt and tone your body, targeting every single muscle to make tighten to become tougher. Prepare for some seriously effective exercises. Your arms will thank you for the intense strengthening moves, your thighs and seat will feel the burn in the best possible way, and what about the abs?

Here are 10-minute routine that you can try at home to get stronger abs by focusing and working on your core:

Forearm plank

Image source Getty on Google

Meet the 90-Degree Elbow Plank, a new take that might be new to you. Unlike the traditional high plank, where you are in a push-up position, this one involves bending your elbows at a right angle. Keep your body straight and stable from head to toe, and ensure your hips stay aligned with your shoulders. To make this plank harder, try incorporating alternating knee bends while holding the plank for about 60 seconds. The dynamic move not only strengthens your core but also adds a cardio element to your workout. It is a challenging way to amp up your routine.

C-curve Core Exerciese

Image source SheKnows on Google

Dapper yourself into the next core exercise—C curve. Start by laying flat on your back. Shape your body into a gentle "C", aligning your shoulders with your knees. For some extra support, consider placing a thick towel or cushion under the lower back. Next step, engage your core by pulling your naval towards your spine. Now, you have two options: either lift and lower your arms or you can choose to hold your thighs. Aim to keep this position for about a minute. This abs exercise is a powerhouse for your entire abdominal region. Stay consistent and persistent.

Thigh Moves

Let's get those abs dancing. Start by kneeling on the floor. Lift your glutes off your heels, then tuck and lift or even circle your hips for a full minute. The dynamic movement engages your abs from all angles, giving them a sleek, dancer-like tone.

Here's a pro tip for an extra boost: crank yo some fun music. It'll add an enjoyable rhythm to your workout, making it even more engaging and motivating.

Try it tomorrow morning. Repeat all three exercises in three sets each with a one-minute break between each set, then you will feel more energetic, Confident, and optimistic.

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