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Is Google Ads Good For You: What Do You Think?

Social media ads & Google Ads are two good at different things.

If I have to put them in their ideal funnel stages, I would put Facebook Ads somewhere at the top and the middle of the funnel while I would put Google Ads in the middle and/or near the bottom of the funnel. As you might have guessed, Facebook Ads are good for awareness and brand-building activities


Social media has a wide reach. You can search for anything on social media. So it is easier to reach a huge section of your audience at reasonable costs. I know what you are thinking.

But Google surely has a wider reach than Facebook right?

True. It does. The difference is intent.

You see Google Ads are PPC or Pay-per-click ads. The ads are triggered by keywords. And the keywords are triggered by search terms. So do you know what that means?

What it means is that people are already searching for your content/product/service/brand or at least something related to it. So, if you do all the other things right, the chances are that you might get higher-quality leads from Google search campaigns.

The problem with social media adverts, and most social media ad platforms, is that they’re interruptive. Since they usually display ads that show up on people’s feeds, they’re not based on search terms. Instead of the users specifically opting in to search for something that they’re interested in, these Ads show up in their feeds, based on your targeting.

However, when your goal is to reach the max number of people that you can, Facebook is kind of the ideal platform, since as I mentioned above, social media has a huge reach.

So social media ads are perfect for building awareness, offering value, and building trust.

At least in my experience, Google Ads will give you better quality leads. I’m not saying that you cannot get good leads from Facebook/Instagram ads, but then you have to get your targeting exactly right and work very hard on making the creative and copy relevant.

There are exceptions of course. Let’s say you have a business that caters to the B2B side of things, your target keywords are also commonly used by B2C companies. Then, because of the competition, the cost per keyword might get quite high on Google. So in that situation, you might get better leads from LinkedIn ads.


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