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Motivation Means Nothing When Discipline Takes Place

A survey of 1086 CEOs of US companies revealed that 64% of them wake up at 6 AM or earlier, and nearly 9 out of 10 of them woke up no later than 7 AM. Most professional football teams train 4–6 hours a day for 5 days a week.

What sets these people apart from the crowd? What’s one thing that’s common among all these successful individuals? And why can’t most of us achieve similar levels of success?

Why discipline is Hard? When every inch of your body forces you to curl up inside your warm and cosy blanket instead of getting up to hit the gym, most of us decide to sleep in.


Let’s face it: no one truly enjoys the difficult road. I don’t. You don’t. Those who are successful also don’t. The only thing that separates us from them is that while we choose not to stick to discipline, they do. And when they do, they don’t let go at any cost. A dream becomes an obsession — a goal that must be attained, and they’re ready to put in as much work as required.

It’s Not Rocket Science

Sure, there are tons of books out there to develop immense self-discipline and to make you achieve the goals you’ve always strived for. But the underlying principle is the same: to do the things that must be done consistently and dedicatedly.

Whether it is following a hideous routine, sacrificing a particular hobby, removing activities that provide bursts of Instant Gratification, battling addictions or leaving toxic friend circles, discipline is essentially as simple as training your mind to do the things it despises at a particular moment.

Lastly, if you don’t achieve your desired results. The satisfaction of knowing that you’ve remained continuously disciplined is a feeling that can neither be described in writing nor expressed through speech. It can only be felt. When will you start your journey of self-discipline?


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