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How To Stay High In Productivity On Monday Blues?

Waiting for productivity? Feeling lazy in the summer months? Don't want to work anymore but you have to anyway? You are not alone. Here is why?

Employee hustle and productivity are Monday before 11 am. So, what is the logic behind the numbers?

About 75% of people tend to be the most mentally alert between 9 am and 11 am

- John Trougakos

For example, according to the circadian rhythm ( a Latin Phrase that means "about a day"), about 75% of people tend to be most mentally alert between 9 am and 11 am.

Circadian rhythms are our internal clocks that indicate our bodies when get up, eat, and sleep throughout 24-hour cycles. Once someone gets into work they are likely to take some time to check emails and settle in.

It takes time to get immerse yourself in whatever task you are working on. So 11 am as peak productivity time for task completion makes sense. Immersing yourself into one task at a time improves concentration.

Comparatively, the afternoon between 2-3 pm is a low energy point, especially in the summer season. You probably use this time by taking a nap and taking a break, and doing something fun.

Have you ever wondered why many cultures take naps during the afternoon?

In summer afternoons, hot, breezy, sultry, and scorching rays, full of perspiration where there is rest and respite.

When our minds are sharpest

Monday Blues

Dragging yourself back to the working week after two days of the fun-filled weekend has a sense of exhaustion and work like nothing but chores.

We treat Monday badly but the truth is "people are fresh", mentally and physically at the beginning of the week, and fade as the week goes on. Some feel energized, productive, and curious to start their day with something new. For them, that makes no difference in weekends or working days. Similarly, people return from the summer holidays fresh, so they stay productive and frolic.

Allow people to have the time required to flex their creativity early in the week and early in the day

- Don Drummond

He has some suggestions for capitalizing on these findings, "Allow people to have the time required to flex their creativity early in the week and early in the day.

Ultimately, staying high in productivity will lead you to achieve your goals. Whether on weekends or Mondays, does not important. Waking up early in the morning will not keep you productive but your first idea is value the most than anything. It is about how much you accomplished while you have the energy, while you indulge in your work.

Use Your Energy Wisely!


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