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Why Maintaining The Right Postures Are The Root Of Better Health?

How many times do you feel strain in your neck and back while hunching over the computer, using a phone or staring at the screen?

Have you ever noticed that your body posture?

You might think who can sit tight for long hours and maintain the same body posture at the desk?

Here is the fact—if you are most likely to struggle with back and neck pain due to your posture. This can escalate, causing issues with muscle fatigue and even breathing, as you get older.

Image source Behance on Google

A good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind.

Morihei Ueshiba Japanese martial artist

What does good posture look like?

Image source Behance on Google

“When standing, your knees should have a slight bend, they should not be locked or hyperextended," Purohit says. "You should have equally distributed weight on both feet and make sure it is also centred. Stand tall, with your shoulders back (without overextending) and arms relaxed, hanging naturally to the side of your body. Your head should be levelled, your earlobes in line with your shoulders. To break down this process, it is extremely essential to balance a neutral position of your spine and body.”


When you stand, your knees should have a slight bend, they should not be locked. You should have equally distributed weight on both feet and make sure it is also centred. Stand tall, with your shoulders back and let your arms relax, hanging naturally to the side of your body. Your head should be levelled, your earlobes in line with your shoulders. To break down this process, it is essential to balance the neutral positions of your spine and body.


The perfect way to know if your posture is correct is to walk with a book on your head, shares Mumbai-based yoga instructor Tara Menezes. “If you can walk and balance that means that your posture is balanced. If you are looking down, or hunching the book will fall.”


Keep your feet flat or rest them on the floor or footrest, avoiding crossing the knees or ankles, and painting a small gap between the back of the knees and the chair. Positioning the knees at the same height or slightly lower than the hips.

What are the benefits of a good posture?

Did you know that good posture and a daily workout routine can keep the signs of ageing at bay? That's right! By aligning your spine and distributing weight equally throughout your body, you can reduce the stress placed on your bones and ligaments. Plus, bad posture can lead to chronic issues like neck, shoulder, and back pain, poor blood circulation, and fatigue, making you prone to injuries.

But it's not just about avoiding pain and injuries. A healthy spine also ensures that your brain's messages are accurately translated into actions and reactions by your body. As we age, the fluid between our vertebrae decreases, causing weak back, spinal issues, and a decrease in height. By taking care of your spine, you're taking care of your entire body.

And that's not all! Good posture even improves your breathing. By standing tall or sitting straight, you're giving your lungs more room to expand, which means better oxygen flow throughout your body. So let's start taking care of our spines today and reap the benefits of a healthy body tomorrow!

5 steps to improve your posture:

When training, Purohit constantly tells people to focus on the quality and not the quantity of repetitions. “You have to begin to balance the muscles around the spine and strengthen postural muscles. One also has to be more alert and aware and retrain the mind and body,” she says.

1. Stand tall

The way you stand tall in a picture is pretty much the way you should be standing all the time. Don't slouch, don't hunch over the keyboard. You will stand taller, look and feel better. Slouching at your desk and carrying your handbag on one shoulder are the most common mistakes people often make when it comes to posture and the underlying reason for stiffness in shoulders which eventually could lead to cervical pains.

Pro-tip by experts, Lift your toes, place them on the floor, and lift your heels, and dig them into the floor. Do this twice.

2. Keep releasing the stressed muscles

Taking small breaks and doing small exercises to release the tension helps make good our posture misgivings. For those who work on the laptop for long hours, regular shoulder rolls and getting up every 45 minutes help. “Use a 'posture reminder', similar to a reminder to drink water. Set an alarm to beep every 30 minutes, reminding you to straighten your back. I advise my students to do some spinal twists and forward bends even when they are sitting at their desks at work. Once you get home from work it’s a good idea to do some twists while lying down on your bed,” recommends Bhatt.

3. Hold your head up

Hold your neck in a way that the chin is parallel to the floor. While sitting, try to keep the back straight. “Try to keep your head and neck in place, without being rigid, but beware especially when you are on your phone, texting or watching things,” warns Purohit. Your laptop screen or any device you are using should be at eye level.

4. Sleep right

It’s not just what you do during the hours you are awake that affects your posture, but also how you sleep. Evidence points out that sleeping on your stomach can put the spine out of position, putting stress on the spine. “Ensure your mattress gives your spine the right support. Generally, sleeping on the side or back is recommended, sleeping on the stomach is not ideal,” says Purohit. If you sleep on your side, get the support of a firm pillow between your knees to reduce stress on your hips and lower back.


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