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Why TikTok: Does It Give You Instant Fame?

In 2019, during the pandemic, the Tiktok app could see coming around the corner, Even then you could see it had quite the potential to be quite a bit thing. The trend of using Tiktok was extraordinary. It is true people got addicted to it. When you talk about the allure of TikTok and what attracts people to it, I think it's the idea that htere are like-minded creative people who are not necessarily as expert or as primed as they are on YouTube and that makes sense. YouTube also is quite simple when is about to use it professionally or even personally. too. Because of the way TikTok works and the ease you have with you can create content. You have people who might not necessarily arrange themselves as creators on the platform creating content for you to watch. This is what has drawn me there.

Algorithm is the game of every trending apps. I think this is kind of wholly obessive. The ideas of different videos are creative people when you open up Tiktok. You can choose what you like, which is oddly comforting.


Anybody can do anything, and you can be propelled to become popular literally in a matter of hours. By using the right algo, follow the app and show trends skills efficiently. KhabyLame is the best TikToker in the world and is insanely popular with his funny videos. Create 15, 30 or 60 seconds of videos relevant to your interest. it genuinely is the case because of the way that you can be plucked from obscurity and thrown in front of millions of people thanks to the algorithm.

On the negative side, you might not be aware of what happens in terms of popularity. Like, the reality is that people do anything beyond their limits just for the sake to become popular. The reality is that fame can be quite fleeting, and often, the connection with creators is not as personally strong as it is on YouTube because of the fact there is so much choice in the way it works. You can not subscribe to an individual creator and back them. Just let your content work for you.

The thought of going viral is almost like winning the lottery. Would you say it’s the ultimate goal of users or someone putting out videos?

Going viral is almost like winning the lottery. It's probably the underlying thing. The idea of creators as a career has shot up in the last decade or so, but particularly in the last few years. Surprisingly, many kids want to become the best YouTubers, Tiktoker than astronauts and they are curious enough to do so. There is this idea that you can make money on these platforms, so people started to treat it that much more seriously. Eventually, fame and money are the motive of living life.


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