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202 items found for "Ai"
- Fed Up With Work-life Balance: What You Would Call It?
I don’t love that either, because I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t keep all the balls in the air
- Women Leading Successful Business: Learn Core Lessons From These Mighty Leaders
Both, short-term and long-term goals are of equal importance when you aim for achieving rapid growth
- Alpha Clienteling Tool: Modern Way To Take In-Store Experience
Simply put, Clienteling software provides a digital tool on mobile devices and aims at enabling retailers A core aim is to maintain the conversation ongoing even after clients have left the store while in-store
- Charted One Habit Learn Form Creative And Genius minds
A study has shown that this stage of sleep helps the brain connected unrelated ideas, which in turn aids
- 6 Most Lucrative Businesses Made Billion Dollars With A Bunch Of Stupid Ideas
#Three Airbnb Renting Airbnb in your living room to random people and serving them breakfast sounds like It turns out AirBnb founders told it everybody thought it was a dumb idea. The only investor who gave AirBnB a chance was Paul Graham who said: It turns our “We thought Airbnb AirBnB sold cereals. Steve Jobs and Woz hacked phones for money before officially founding Apple. AirBnB relaunched three times until getting it right and Paypal failed four times but they hung in there
- Milky Way Galaxy: Let's Deep Dive Into Our Space
If an airline offered a flight there by jet, it would take 5 million years.
- Matchless Hacks: Mindfulness Empower You
Soak the first ray of the sun, feel the fresh air, meditate for some minutes, and stretch your stiff almost laughably simple breathing exercise: Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose, breathing in air Pause a moment, holding your breath, before letting the air out slowly through your mouth. As the mindfulness movement grows in popularity, more apps and resources are becoming available to aid
- How Can We Make A New No-Plastic-Straw Lifestyle?
Since Starbucks, American Airlines, and the entire city of Seattle once announced that they are going
- What if, You Are In A State Of Creative Flow?
Mindfulness matter Instead of struggling to achieve flow or waiting for the perfect time-you have to aim
- How Does The Best Business Model Look Like?
Soon, it looked like everything could be ad-supported from helpdesk software to coffee to airline snacks