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116 items found for "health"

  • Boost Your Energy and Health with These Strategies

    Image source Everyday Health Having a healthy metabolism means that our body is using and storing food Factors like metabolic syndrome can increase the risk of serious health issues like heart disease, diabetes markers like blood sugar, triglycerides, and blood pressure is important for maintaining good metabolic health efficient, and for women, the menopause transition can bring additional challenges in maintaining a healthy It's all about taking care of our gut, eating well, managing stress, keeping our muscles healthy, and

  • The Impact of "How Are You?" on Mental Health & Wellbeing

    How many times you ask someone "How are you?" Image source American Psychiatric Association This is one of the simple yet important questions we ask anybody who shows empathy towards them. It also might seem like the basic question everybody usually asks in general life, but its absence is noticeable. Lack of empathy and objectifying relationships to performance can be the result. However, behind this question lies a world that involves putting others and oneself at the centre, not just focusing on what they do or what we want from them. Image source Psychreg The question generates a sense of gratification because it makes one feel accepted and seen by the other person. It also forces one to observe how they feel at that moment, elaborate an emotional response, and face and analyze negative emotions. The question "How are you?" is rooted in empathy and compassion, which implies total openness towards the other person and sharing positive or negative emotions. It's a two-way questioning that involves both parties. GIF source LinkedIn Besides asking this question to others, it's essential to ask it to ourselves too. It gives us space and time to care for ourselves, even when it seems like no one else is giving us that time. It requires patience to untangle knots, process how we feel, and figure out what might make us feel better. Sometimes, responding to this question might be the last thing we want to do. However, choosing not to respond to others is always permissible, but it's worth trying to answer this question to ourselves. It can be the zero question that helps us address the questions that keep us restless and remind us of who we are and what we want, becoming the engine of change.

  • Why Maintaining The Right Postures Are The Root Of Better Health?

    A healthy spine also ensures that your brain's messages are accurately translated into actions and reactions So let's start taking care of our spines today and reap the benefits of a healthy body tomorrow!

  • How Do You Define Your Relationship With Health?

    with food and eating, yet conceivable to foster a sound relationship that keeps your body and mind healthy

  • Samsung Debut Galaxy Ring: A Shift in Health and Wellness Technology

    Samsung exclusively launched its much-anticipated Galaxy Ring, a groundbreaking health and wellness device alongside the flagship Galaxy S24 series, the Galaxy Ring is positioned as a "powerful and accessible" health the Galaxy Unpacked event on January 17, where Samsung showcased its commitment to innovation in the health The Galaxy Ring is designed as a smart ring for tracking, measuring, monitoring, and uploading health During the event, Samsung also announced new features for its Health experience.

  • What Are the Health Benefits of Walking at Specific Times of Day According to Experts?

    A 5 km walk can burn between 250-350 calories, enhance cardiovascular health, and release endorphins, Daytime walks also provide essential vitamin D, improve bone and muscle health, enhance breathing, and evening walks, adjusting the timing and intensity can make a big difference in how walking impacts your health

  • Drinking Too Much Water Can Cause To Health Issues

    During the summertime, I always try to hydrate my body for better health. If you want to keep your body healthy and hydrated without suffering from any diseases, I am underlying experiencing excessive thirst, inform your doctor right away, as this may be a symptom of another serious health

  • Breathe Easy: Navigating Wildfire Smoke's Impact and Your Health Shield

    keeping track of fibres nearby using services such as and smoke map, paying attention to health Air pollution not only affects physical health but also mental health. factors such as education, diet, smoking, drug use, and alcohol consumption can also contribute to health

  • 5 Underlying Rules Define Your Health: Should Know About This

    Health is the core part of human lives. Instead of avoiding all these tips and tricks especially when it is about health. Other research points to robust social interaction as critical for both mental and physical health. Obesity is one of the greatest health threats in the world. this point, it’s common knowledge but bears repeating: There is absolutely nothing more damaging to health

  • Self-Care For Sale: Time To Take Care Of Your Mental Health

    makeup kil emblazoned in the quest for affirmations help you take care of your physical and mental health

  • 5 Wildly Popular Apps Enhance Mental Health: You Must Try

    What Is a Mental Health App? improve your emotional or mental health. Mental health apps can't replace professional help, they won't even change your lifestyle. You can set reminders and sync essential health data from your smart devices. In close: All mental health that I have mentioned above can improve your mental health if you use them

  • 10 Real Ways To Enriching Mental Health That Nobody Wants To Talk About

    I often think about mental health the same way I think about dental health. If we stopped thinking about good mental health as this large, abstract and vague state of being that Good mental health is a state of great Self-awareness, kindness, and compassion towards yourself. Your mental health is your own. On a final note: Mental health is now becoming a buzz.

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