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14 items found for "ocean"

  • Act Now to Save Our Oceans: Combatting Plastic Pollution by 2048

    Did you know the plastic in your clothes is polluting the oceans with every wash? And that our oceans could be dead by 2048 if we carry on as we are. These are just a few of the stark facts the Oceans is presenting loud and clear— GIF source GIPHY on this life out there, it's very hard for us to exist even if people start a mission to clean up the oceans The approach to finding solutions is three-fold -- Avoid plastic; intercept it from our ocean; and Redesign

  • How We Can Protect Our Planet From Plastics: Here You Know

    Did you know the plastic in your clothes is polluting the oceans with every wash? That up to 80 per cent of the oxygen we breathe comes from marine life and that our oceans could be dead Avoid plastic, cut off it from our oceans, and Redesign the material itself. We have to stop exploiting the oceans [and] exploiting nature. Exploiting the oceans and exploiting nature.

  • Crayon Of The Seas: Experience A Visual Exploration Of Marine

    Do you know how many varieties are in our ocean? Marine biodiversity is the combination of life in our ocean. It includes all animals, plants and microorganisms living in our ocean, from barnacles to whales to Carol which includes the Carol reefs of Southeast Asia and Australia and contains the most species of any ocean The idea of putting the colours into crayons of the oceans. But why were the colours that why?

  • 4 strangest ways to wipe out plastic and make the planet better

    Each year, at least 14 tonnes of plastics end up in our oceans, 1 and the consequences for sea life are The Ocean Cleanup The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the largest accumulation of plastic in the oceans developed an optimal solution - Boyan Slat is an inventor who discovered the world's first cleanup ocean He has launched an ocean cleanup system called 'System 001'. to leave powerful words that may hit you harder - Plastic pollution does not start in the middle of ocean

  • The Impact Of Antarctica Melting Sheet In Our Planet

    If the ice shelf melts, floats, and slips into the ocean, it will increase the level of the sea, hitting Keeping Antarctica frozen We are all linked to Antarctica through Earth’s interconnected atmospheric and ocean – known as the Antarctic Circumpolar Current – which, in turn, is connected to all of Earth’s major oceans We are all connected to Antarctica through Earth's interconnected atmospheric and ocean systems.

  • How Can We Make A New No-Plastic-Straw Lifestyle?

    Ultimately, millions of discarded straws and other pieces of plastic end up in the ocean, where they need to start using less plastic in general, but what about all of that plastic floating around the ocean Several great designers are addressing it with new technology that is turning ocean plastic into fabric

  • Humans Must Avoid These Mistakes To Save Planet

    Did you know how much plastic in your clothes is polluting the oceans with every wash? Up to 80% per cent of the oxygen we breathe comes from marine life. hat our oceans could perish if we We have to stop using the oceans and nature for the sake of human benefit.

  • Can Circular-Economy Save Our Planet?

    In a world with no waste, no pollution, where animals and plants grow, and in the blue ocean flourish In a world, of renewable energy, recycling practically everything becomes possible to save the land, ocean

  • How to Stay Calm: 3 Breathing Exercises for Instant Stress Relief

    This breath can help calm the mind, and detoxify the body, and is often compared to the sound of ocean

  • 7 Eco-Friendly Products Saving Our Planet: One Choice at a Time

    alternatives, we can drastically cut down the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and oceans

  • Milky Way Galaxy: Let's Deep Dive Into Our Space

    In the next few years, we might learn whether they have an atmosphere or oceans, or even signs of habitability

  • 7 Daily Habits To Control Plastic Pollution In Our Planet

    cleanup events to remove plastic waste from the shores, preventing it from finding its way back into the ocean

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